January Birthstone: Garnet

The new year is all about resolutions and high hopes for a fresh start for the year ahead.

What better way to represent that state of mind than with a beautiful garnet gemstone? Known for bringing a sense of goodwill, happiness, and prosperity, whether red is your color or not; having a garnet on you to start out the new year is never a bad idea!


The word garnet is originally derived from the Latin word, ‘garantum’, meaning seed. This name for the gem came to be because of the gem’s resemblance to the bright, beautiful red seeds of the pomegranate. Although the most common garnet range in tones of

These are actual garnets, not seeds!

red, the rarest garnets are blue and colorless, or color-changing in different lights (extremely rare!). The use of garnets can be traced back all the way to the Bronze Age. Garnets were actually found in a necklace worn by a man whose grave dates back to 3000 B.C.. Other references go back to the Ancient Egyptians, who used the gem in jewelry and artwork. The gem’s popularity didn’t skyrocket until 18th century in Europe, where is was very popular in Victorian era jewelry.


The list of symbolic meanings for wearing the garnet goes on and on. Not only is garnet the designated gem for births in the month of January, it also symbolizes the the 2nd anniversary of marriage. For centuries, garnet’s virtues have been believed to include passion, eternity, and love. One of the stone’s strongest virtues is the ability to help overcome depression. It was believed that the stone could dissolve behavior that is no longer positive, and aids in letting go of useless or old ideas. Supposedly, the garnet gemstone has extreme benefits in the realm of business. It’s said that the stone attracts people to the wearer which aids in business as well as personal success!


Mystical Properties:

For thousands of years, garnets have been said to bring a plethora of mysticalbenefits to those who wear it, both mental and physical. Throughout history, it has been said that a garnet engraved with a lion will protect and preserve health, cure the wearer of all disease, and could warn the wearer of approaching danger.  For this reason, and because of how durable garnets are making them last throughout the ages, determined the gems were used as a talisman for protection that were worn by warriors during battle. 

In ancient and medieval times, color played an important role in determining the use for different gems. Garnets were thought to relive skin conditions and regulate the heart and blood. The gem had different healing effects for men and women as well. For men, it keeps the reproductive system healthy; for women, it promotes hormonal balance and was thought to reduce swelling.

There are so many beneficial characteristics of the garnet. From helping you start off the new year with a fresh, positive outlook, to curing you of disease and promoting your reproductive system. We can’t think of a better way to start the new year off with positive vibes than to sport a garnet in our favorite setting!

October Birthstones: Part II

As you already know from our last post, October is one of the lucky months. It has not only one, but two gemstones associated with it! In Part I, we learned about October’s original birthstone, Opal. More recently, another stone was added to make it easier and more affordable for the public to get jewelry associated with their birth month. In 1912 the National Association of Jewelers created the first official list of birthstone, and declared Pink Tourmaline (sorry guys!), the alternative gem for the month of October.

Pink Tourmaline:

There are multiple kinds of tourmaline, seeing that it comes in pretty much every color of the rainbow- which is what makes tourmaline a fan-favorite through time. The first tourmaline crystal was discovered in Brazil, and it was bright green. The Spanish conquistador confused the vibrant for an emerald. It’s easy to understand why tourmalines are easily confused with other gems, but VERY few gems match tourmaline’s intense range of colors.

            Pink Tourmaline, however, was first discovered in the 1600s by Dutch explorers off the west coast of Italy. History also shows us that, for a time, pink and red tourmaline were assumed to be rubies. Although pink tourmaline tends to be ‘pinker’ in color than rubies, the similarities are so strong that even the stones in the Russian crown jewels- which were believed to be rubies for centuries, are now thought to be tourmalines!

            For centuries, cultures all around the world have had different beliefs of the virtues wearing tourmaline can bring. It’s be known to keep the digestive system heathy and strengthen bones. In the 18thcentury, a Dutch scientist claimed that a tourmaline wrapped in silk and placed against the cheek of a feverish child would induce sleep… (say what?!) Ancient ceremonies in India used tourmalines as a tool to bring insight and help in the discovery of that which is good, while exposing who or what was the cause of evil deeds.

            Tourmaline has been known to have many positive attributes in the spiritual realm. The gem is what is called a “receptive stone”, which means it is soothing, calming, and magnetic. It creates peace and promotes communication between the conscious and unconscious minds allowing psychic awareness to blossom! While being a receptive stone, tourmaline has also been said to be a ‘stone of reconciliation’, and fosters compassion and cool headedness. It’s known that this stone of reconciliation radiates energy that attracts money, healing, and friendship.

Although there are MANY different types of tourmalines, pink tourmaline is the rarest of the family- even more rare that rubies! There are so many reasons to sport pink tourmaline, even if you weren’t born in October! And, unlike October’s primary birthstone opals, it’s notknown to be unlucky if it’s not your birthstone. Whether pink tourmaline is your style or not, October babies have two totally different, dazzling, and mystical gems to choose from to represent the month they were born! (lucky!)

October Birthstones: Part I

As October arrives, our thoughts go to darker places.

Fitting, considering the original birthstone for October is Opal, and opals come with a long, confused, and somewhat dark history! There’s one thing we need to cover first before we get into the histories of Opals, because they aren’t October’s only birthstone! In 1952, Pink Tourmaline (sorry guys!) was also declared the birthstone of October by the National Association of Jewelers. (See October Birthstones: Part II, to learn more about Pink Tourmaline!)


Opal was discovered around 1850 in Australia, and since then, Australia has produced nearly 95% of the world’s opal supply. Wearing opals is definitely
worth the extra care that the gemstone requires. For most of its written history, people have believed the gem was associated with good luck. However, recent superstitions that are not back up by any sort of evidence, claim that opals bring bad luck. This superstition caused a plummet in the opal market for nearly 50 years, until 1877, when the first black opal was discovered in South Wales, Australia.



Symbolism of opals can be traced back far into human history—all the way back to the Bronze Age! According native originals of Australia, the creator came to earth on a rainbow, leaving colorful stones where his feet touched the ground, while ancient Arabic legends state that opals fell from the sky in bolts of lightning. Among the ancients, opals were a symbol of fidelity and assurance. It was also associated with having strong therapeutic value for disease and when worn as an amulet, could increase powers of the eyes and mind.

During Medieval times, blonde maidens wore opals because they were believed to prevent their hair from darkening or fading. They also thought opals could make a person invisible whenever they wished, and for that reason it was called Patronus forum.

You may be wondering where all the superstitions of bad luck came from? Well, the unfortunate wrap Opals have gotten over time is the fault of one man, Sir Walter Scott. In 1829, Sir Walter published a bestselling novel, Anne of Geuerstein. It followed the story of the princess known as Lady Hermione, who was known to wear an enchanted opal in her hair which gave off firey red flashed when she was angry and sparkled when happy. She was falsely accused of being a demon, and dies after a drop of holy water accidently falls on her opal and destroys its play of colors. The public took this novel a bit seriously, associating the gem with terrible luck. Within months of the novel being published, the opal market crashed.


Mystical Properties:

  Opals have been associated with many mystical properties in both the mental and physical realms. They are known to amplify one’s traits, both good and bad- so when wearing an opal, be sure to think positive thoughts! Opals are also known to stimulate originality and ‘dynamic creativity’. They have been characterized as a “seductive” stone, since they are known intensify emotional states- this makes sense considering Opals have always been associated with love, passion, desire & eroticism!

            There are TONS of beneficial effects of opal in the physical realm. They have been known to be helpful with treating infections, strengthen memory, easing child birth, eyesight, and overall preventing infections and bad health!

The list of mystical properties opals has accumulated through its written history seems as though it’s never-ending. Nevertheless, even if you weren’t born in October how could you NOT want to sport these gems? With mesmerizing colors, and lucky juju with love and passion, and not to mention immunity from infections and memory loss- these gems are the triple threat! Literally!

September Birthstone: Sapphire


As September approaches, many of us start thinking about football season and pumpkin spice lattes…. UNLESS your birthday is in September. Then you’re thinking about what you’re going to get from family and friends, & HOPEFULLY you’ll get a big beautiful Sapphire, since it’s your birthstone of course!


There are few gems that have held attention throughout time as well as Sapphires. Sapphires are more commonly recognized by their rich, royal blue color. However, this gem can occur in all the colors of the rainbow. Minus red (that’s a ruby!). The most value however, goes to the boys in blue. The bluer- the better- the more expensive,  when it comes to sapphires. No matter the color, all sapphires get their extraordinary hues from traces of elements such as iron, titanium, and chromium. It’s also an insanely hard stone- measuring a 9 on the Mohs Scale, second only to Diamonds! Because of their hardness, sapphires are valuable in many areas other than jewelry… like scientific instruments, high-durability windows, watches and other electronics. Who knew this precious stone is so versatile, right?! Now that we’ve covered the facts, we can get on with the fun part- the legends and lore of sapphires. Because sapphires are among the earliest known gemstones in history, their symbolism is extremely diverse and includes many different subjects in many different cultures.


Traditionally, these gems have been prized for their celestial blues & violets, which is why the stone has been long connected with the planet, Venus. Sapphires were named after the Greek word, “sapheiros”, meaning blue. Thus came the belief that the world sat on an enormous sapphire, which painted the sky blue with its reflection. The Greeks also believed that carrying sapphire stones into Delphi amplified the questioner’s wisdom when consulting the Oracle at Apollo’s Shrine. The stones would clear their minds, allowing them to better understand answers given.An extremely popular medieval belief also mentioned that sapphires were an antidote to poison and that, supposedly, the gem increased overall strength and health for whoever wore it, warding off any illnesses and washing away poison.


Throughout time, royalty has also known to sport these gorgeous blue gems. The British Crown Jewels, are totally loaded up with blue sapphires- you may be familiar with the 12-carat oval sapphire engagement ring Prince Charles proposed to Princess Diana with in 1981 (holy smokes!) Now Princess Kate wears the ring! Royals often wore sapphires for dual purposes- not only to show off wealth, but to protect the wearer from envy and infidelity. Supposedly, people believed sapphires had the power to bring harmony between lovers as well as peace between adversaries. (we’ll remember that one!)

The Sapphire stands as one of the most sought after and oldest gems known in our world. With all their mystical properties and connections to cultures throughout time, this stone is sure keep your mind clear and body free of illness!




August Birthstone: Peridot

Like many other birthstone gems, peridot has a long and important history. However, unlike the other gemstones, peridot is only found in one color – a vibrant lime green that is the perfect complement to any summer wardrobe and to represent those born in the summer month of August.

There are a few differences that set peridot apart from other gemstones such as how it is formed. While most stones are formed in the Earth’s crust, there are two exceptions- diamond and peridot. These two stones form much deeper in the Upper Mantle, between 20 & 55 miles deep for peridot, and 100-150 miles deep for diamond! If that doesn’t twist your mind a bit… peridot stones have also been found in meteorites that have traveled through space and landed on Earth!


The history of peridot dates back to ancient times, at least 4,000 years and especially in Egypt, however no one truly knows how old peridot is. This is because up until the late 19th century, peridot was very commonly mistaken for emerald. The first recorded findings of peridot gems were on the volcanic island of Zabargad, located in the Red Sea off the coast of Egypt.

Zabargad Island

It’s said that Egyptian Pharaohs wore these gems in jewelry and clothing and were highly revered. It’s been discovered that many of Cleopatra’s famed and treasured emeralds were in fact peridot! These gems were so treasured by the Egyptians that the location of Zabargad was kept a closely guarded secret. In texts, it’s stated that the island was often covered in dense fog, making it nearly impossible for ancient navigators to find. With the fall of the Egyptian empire, the secret of the island’s location was lost and was not rediscovered until 1906; since then, the Zarbargad peridot deposits have been exhausted.

Peridot held a strong presence in many other cultures and ancient civilizations up throughout the middle ages. Medieval Europeans would bring the peridot stones back from the Crusades to decorate church plates and robes, and also used the gems as talismans that were said to have the power to remove “terrors of the night”.


Today, along with being the birthstone for those born in the month of August, peridot also symbolizes the 16thanniversary of marriage. In lore and legends, peridot has always been associated with light. The Egyptians even called the gem “Gem of the Sun”.

The Catholic Church is also a major symbol of the gemstone. For centuries, the church has believed that peridot symbolized moral purity and to this day Catholic Bishops wear peridot rings and other jewelry.

Mystical Properties:

Over the course of history, there have been many tales and legends of how the peridot gemstone possesses a strong magical power. According to Pliny The Elder, the Great Roman Authority, peridots would exert their strongest magic when worn on the right arm, and that in order to maximize the stone’s potential it must be set in gold.

Peridot has long been considered an aid to friendship and can free the mind of envious thoughts. Other legends say the gem will bring happiness and good cheer, which in turn would attracts lovers which leads to many other legends stating that peridot can be used to enhance prosperity, growth and openness.

Cultures and legends over the course of history credit peridot with the ability to turn dreams into a reality, ward off anxiety, and lessen the thirst of a person suffering from a fever when placed under the tongue.

Like most other birthstone gems, peridot comes with thousands of years of history, legends and lore. Unlike other birthstone gems however, peridot has a few attributes that make it stand out against a sea of other glittering & valuable stones. With a vivid, solitary shade of green, the peridot is the perfect gemstone to help you wind down summer, lower stress and anxiety levels of the changing seasons and schedules, and enhance your confidence- making it there perfect gem to wear for just about anybody!


SOURCES: https://agta.org/education/gemstones/peridot/

July Birthstone: Ruby

As summer temperatures rise, what could be a better representation than the fiery color of July’s birthstone, the ruby.

The allure of rubies has worked into nearly all cultures around the globe from the beginning of history up to modern times, and with that history comes tons of legends and lore about the gem.


There’s no recorded time of when the first ruby gemstone was discovered; however, there are records of the transport and trade of rubies in literature along the Silk Road in China, which was a trade route that connected China with other ancient kingdoms like Persia and Rome as far back as 200BC. The gem is also mentioned 4 times in the bible and considered the most precious of the 12 gemstones created by God. To sum it up, rubies have been revered and valued for most of human history!

The finest rubies were found in Burma and have been mined there since at least 600 AD. Burma’s ancient warrior were known to have the gem inserted into their flesh before battle, believing they would bring them invincibility and luck in battle (wearing them as jewelry just wasn’t enough!). Even through most of the middle ages, rubies were considered a stone of prophecy, and people thought that they would darken in color when danger was near.


British Imperial crown dating back to the 1300s. The gem is known as the “Black Prince’s Ruby”. The stone is actually Spinel, but the difference between Spinel and Rubies was not discovered until the late 1700s.

Red has long been symbolic for our strongest emotions: love, anger, passion, fury and power. Strong associations with blood and fire were also tied in due the gem’s red hue, and ancients thought those who risked their lives were believed to have a special connection with the gem.

In the 8th century, an Arabic book on dreams talked about the significance of dreaming about rubies. It stated that if a king dreamt of a crown set with rubies, his enemies would fear him more, and great joy and fortune was headed their way.

Along with representing births in the month of July, the ruby also symbolizes the 15th and 40th anniversaries of marriage. With the gem’s passionate red hue, it makes the perfect romantic gift… no matter which month you were born in or how long you’ve been married!

Mystical Properties:

Because of ruby’s association with blood and fire, the list of mystical properties that the gem is said to have goes on forever. In the middle ages, rubies were believed to cure liver problems and counteract poison… and even restore youth and vitality when ground into powder and rubbed on your skin! (How about adding some ruby powder to your daily skincare routine?!)


Physically, the gems are thought to energize and balance, overcome exhaustion and detoxify the body and blood. Emotionally, rubies can be recognized as the stone of courage, which legend tells us that a person with a ruby can walk through life without fear of evil or misfortune. The gems are also known to increase motivation and the setting of goals.

Being the most historically significant gemstone, there’s no wonder the legends and lore that the gem has acquired over the centuries. The desire for this fiery stone is just as great today as it has always been and because it symbolizes passion, wealth and success, it’s a great gemstone for anyone to wear; whether your it’s your birthstone or not!

Rubies in Pop Culture:

I’m sure you’ve heard of Dorothy Gale’s red ruby slippers? From the iconic, technicolor film “The Wizard of Oz” which hit the box office in 1939. The film came in a time of war and hardship, and won the hearts of people with a magical escape from reality filled with witches, flying monkeys and munchkins.

Now, the pair that Judy Garland while filming the movie weren’t exactly covered in real rubies. Approximately 2,300 iridescent red sequins were sewn onto each shoe. This is because there were 6-7 identical pairs made for Judy to wear throughout filming. 

The ruby red slippers did not become a reality until 1989, when Harry Winston created a pair to commemorate the film’s 50th anniversary. The iconic slippers covered in genuine rubies totaled a whopping $3 Million, featuring 4,600 rubies totaling over 1,300 carats, and 50 carats of accent diamonds.

Harry Winston genuine ruby slippers.




https://www.gia.edu/ruby-history-lore http://tappers.com/blog/2016/07/26/the-history-of-rubies/ https://www.jewelsforme.com/ruby-meaning https://www.gemsociety.org/article/history-legend-rubies-gems-yore/


June Birthstone Part II: Alexandrite

Alexandrite. June’s modern birthstone.

Alexandrite gemstones don’t come with all the history and lore like many of the other birthstones. In fact, the gem was not even discovered until the early 1800s. Its young life has no effect on its popularity and value however, as the gem is considered one of the rarest and most valuable in the world. So rare, that any quality of Alexandrite over 3 carats is extremely uncommon!  What makes this gem so desired, is its chemical composition which gives it a chameleon-like behavior, changing in colors from blueish green under natural light, to a reddish-purple under artificial light.


Imperial Russia

According to legend, Alexandrite was named after the boy Alexander II because it was discovered on the future czar’s birthday in 1834, deep within Russia’s Ural Mountain range. Supposedly, miners were collecting emeralds. One miner gathered his collection of emeralds and took them back to camp at the end of the day, where in front of the campfire the stones glimmered in a brilliant shade of red! Because alexandrite’s red and green hues matched Russia’s military colors, it became the official gemstone of Imperial Russia’s Tsardom. Russia was the only place that high quality Alexandrite was mined until almost all of their mines had been exhausted. It wasn’t until the 1990s when more high-quality deposits were discovered in Sri Lanka, Brazil, Africa and India. However, stones from each different area have their own characteristics.


First the gem was most symbolic of Imperial Russia and was a prized possession among Russian Aristocracy.  It’s modernly known to symbolizes births in the month of June, and the 45th and 55th anniversaries of marriage. Since its discovery, Alexandrite has been said to bring luck, good fortune and romance. With the gem’s changing color, it was said to be a reminder that life is not only what it seems to be.

Mystical Properties:

There are many ways Alexandrite’s are said to aid in physical and emotional ailments. The gem is believed to be great for aiding in emotional balance including self-esteem and the connection with nature around you. Along with psychological benefits, alexandrite has also been thought to be beneficial physically. Things likes pancreatic disorders, swollen lymph nodes, and aliments of the spleen as well as the regeneration of neurological tissues and in the treating of diseases like Leukemia.

For being one of the world’s youngest known gemstones,

alexandrite does not lack in the sense of value and desire! Along with the pearl, this gemstone gives those born in June a great selection of both timeless & classy as well as modern & rare gems to choose from. (Can’t go wrong with either of those styles!)


June Birthstone Part I: Pearls

The Pearl. June’s traditional birthstone.


The pearl has been treasured among people and cultures for thousands of years- far longer than any gemstone the comes from the earth. This is because there is something special about the pearl that sets it apart for all the other gemstones. Pearls are the only gem that is not formed deep within the earth and are considered the world’s oldest gem! They are formed in sea creatures called mollusks, which include clams, oysters and mussels.


Most likely, pearls were discovered by ancient people that were searching for food along the seashore. We know that pearls have been valuable to people for thousands of years thanks to pearl jewelry found in the sarcophagus of a Persian princess that dates back to 420 BC. A pearl is naturally formed when a small foreign object gets inside the mollusk, and as a natural defense mechanism, the mollusk will produce layers of material that form around the object. The very existence of pearls could be considered a “freak accident”. You may have heard the term, ‘cultured pearl’ before. A cultured pearl is when the foreign object is purposely placed into the mussel. Cultured pearls became a thing as Nnatural pearls were becoming scarcer as the waters became more polluted and mollusk-producing areas were exhausted and overworked

Pearls through the Ages:


  • Often worn as a protective amulet to stop the soul from leaving the body
  • Symbolic of the moon, had magical powers
  • Egyptians embellished their buildings, clothing, jewelry, and even tombs with pearls.
  • The Greeks and Romans held the pearl very highly and believed that the goddesses Venus (Roman version) and Aphrodite (Greek version) emerged from oyster shells in the sea.
  • Represented purity and used as currency in China

Middle Ages:

  • By law, only royalty and high nobility are allowed to wear pearls
  • Adorned wigs, clothing and decorative objects
  • Didn’t mind wearing imitation pearls when supplies for natural ones ran low
  • Renaissance era incorporated baroque pearls into designs, which are irregular shaped.
  • Knights would wear them into battle for good luck

19th Century:

  • Height of fashion for growing middle class
  • Became a status symbol for anyone with money to burn
  • Pearls appear in brooches and chokers
  • Long strands of layered pearls were popular in the 1920s
  • Cultured pearls and costume pearls became popular


Today, there are four main types of pearls:

  1. Akoya: the classic. Grown off the coast of Japan for over 100 years. When you picture a strand of pearls, most likely thinking of Akoya
  2. Freshwater: the fashion-forward pearl. Known for white and pastel colors, and untraditional shapes. Very affordable. Often come in a variety of shapes and dyed a variety of colors
  3. Tahitian: the dark, exotic pearl. Very rare, only naturally dark pearl. Grown in 
    the French Polynesia.
  4. 4. South Sea: Rolls Royce of pearls. Grown in Australia, the Philippines, and Indonesia. Range in color. Largest saltwater pearls grown today. Come in a variety of shapes, because of how large they are, finding a perfectly round south sea pearl is extremely rare.


Symbolism & Mystical Properties:

Along with being the gem representing births in the month of June, the pearl also symbolizes the 3rd and 30th anniversaries of marriage. Pearls can symbolize numerous things- mainly depending on its color. For example, white pearls have long symbolized purity, which is why the gem has always been popular as bridal jewelry. Because the gem originates in the water, and because of its round shape and glimmering white color, it’s not surprising that the pearl has long been symbolic of the moon.

For a gem that has been present in human culture for thousands of years, the pearl has lost little value and is still a popular and prized gem to own today. Although June has the beautiful pearl to represent it, it’s actually one of those lucky months that get two gems. Along with one of the world’s oldest gems, June gets one of the world’s newest gems associated with it. Check back for part II to learn more of June’s other birthstone, Alexandrite.


May Birthstone: Emerald

May is the most defining month of spring; when everything starts to bloom and turn green. For this reason, emeralds make the perfect gemstone to represent this season of ‘New Life’. Ranging in color from light to a deep, rich green, emeralds have been a symbol of rebirth and new beginnings since ancient times.


The word emerald is derived from the Greek word “smaragdus”, which literally means green. The stone has had an important presence in hundreds of cultures all over the world, and for as long as 6,000 years. Even today, emeralds are still considered one of the most prized gemstones. A fine emerald may even be two or three times more valuable than a diamond! (Who knew?!)

Traces of emeralds being mined go back as early as 330 BC in Egypt. The ancients worshipped the gem, believing they indicated fertility and rebirth. Cleopatra, famed queen in Egyptian history, cherished the gems. She even claimed ownership over ALL emeralds during her reign.Throughout history, emeralds had always been prized and worn by the wealthy and royalty.

Legend has it that Hernando Cortes,  conqueror of Mexico, tried to bring giant chunks of emerald that he took from the Aztecs, back home with him. However, one of his ships was shipwrecked, and hundreds delicately carved emeralds were lost to the sea forever.


Known as the birthstone for those born in May, emeralds also represent the 20th and 35th year of marriage. The gem has long been a symbol of loyalty, peace and new beginnings. Because of this, the stone suggests the concept of eternity due to green being a color that constantly renews itself in nature though generations and time.

Many ancients taught that emeralds could enhance inspiration and patience and increase memory & understanding. With these advantages, the gemstone will attract prosperity in business. It’s also known that dreaming about an emerald is a dream of good omens… meaning it symbolizes that you have a lot to look forward to and that your future is bright.

Mystical Properties:

Going as far back as there is evidence of emeralds, there’s been evidence of the gem’s healing powers. In almost every ancient language, emeralds are mentioned to help eyesight. In some even, the gem was said to enable people to foretell future events if the gem was worn on the tongue or the left side of the body.

During the time of Hippocrates, emeralds were even crushed into a fine powder and made into an eye cream. Over the course of time, emeralds have been said to have many uses and beneficial properties. Still today, lower quality emeralds ground into a powder are used in Chinese folk medicines!

In today’s world, emeralds are an excellent gem for those involved with public speaking. This is because emeralds are believed to improve one’s intuition, thereby increasing their perceptions. The gem is known to bring calming and balancing benefits, which promotes creativity and eloquence.


The emerald is the perfect gemstone to represent the new season of life. It’s soothing green color takes you into long, lazy, summer days. With such a rich history and so many beneficial properties, this gemstone is a must-have in your jewelry collection.


sources: jewelsforme.com/emerald-meaning,  jewelrynotes.com/emerald-gemstone-meaning-symoblism-healing,  goodlucksymbols.com/emerald


April Birthstone: Diamond

Known as the “king of all birthstones”, diamonds are a gem that almost everyone loves no matter what month you were born in!



The word diamond is adopted from the Greek word, Adamas, meaning “invincible”.  The name reflects the stone’s physical properties due to the fact that diamonds are the hardest known element found on Earth; and are virtually indestructible!  Forming for billions of years, diamonds can actually be round in every color of the rainbow. Color depends on the type of impurities found inside the stone. For example, diamonds with a yellow hue have traces of nitrogen, while more blue stones have traces of boron.


De Beers pint ad circa 1950s

Over the course of human history, almost every ancient culture had some sort of contact with the indestructible stone. The first discovery of diamonds can be traced as far back as 6,000 years ago! Records can show that ancient peoples used the unbreakable stone to carve their tools and other items our of wood and other rocks. Other civilizations like the Greeks and Romans believed that the gems were crystalized shooting stars that had fallen to the Earth, or that they were the tears of the weeping Gods above. It wasn’t until the Renaissance period that diamonds were first used as engagement rings. The trend was not very popular and only among the royal and wealthy.

However, in today’s world diamonds are extremely popular across the globe. They are used as adornments in jewelry and accessories due to their sheer beauty, their brilliance, and their indestructability. In 1947, a campaign launched that would change the diamond industry forever. Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, “Diamonds are Forever”? The De Beers jewelry company, founded in 1888 in London, coined the term. It means that a diamond is a never-ending sign of love, and that this particular gem would always keep its value. The company also identified the industry’s first diamond grading system, known as the 4C’s (Carat, Cut, Color, Clarity). Almost every gemologist across the globe uses this system to grade and define diamonds!


The immaculate gemstone first and foremost symbolizes love. The offering and acceptance of a diamond engagement ring represents a promise between two people to spend the rest of their lives together. Because of the stone’s known hardness, it symbolizes a deep everlasting love, purity, and faith. Diamonds also represent births during the month of April and 60th year of marriage. Finally, diamonds are a symbol of timelessness; mainly due to their physical attributes. The gems have been deemed the nickname, “The Stone of Immortality”, which may have led to the cause for the celebrated saying, Diamonds are Forever.


Mystical Properties:

Diamond in the Rough

Over the course of human history, and through hundreds of cultures and civilizations, diamonds have always been associated with improving the wearer’s life in several ways, specifically though… bringing clarity of the mind to wearer. Still to this day, it’s believed that the gem has the ability to reduce stress, fear, emotional pain and negative energies; all while attracting strength, power, creativity and innocence to the one who wears it. It’s rumored, that sporting this stone will help one accomplish the dreams and destiny.


This list properties and benefits diamonds can bring a wearer goes on and on. Recognized as the king of all birthstones, babies born in April sure are lucky! No matter your birth month though, you can never go wrong with the timeless gift of diamond jewelry.


sources: https://gemfind.com/the-history-and-power-of-the-diamond/https://www.americangemsociety.org/page/diamondhistoryhttps://www.jewelsforme.com/diamond-meaninghttp://www.adiamor.com/blog/education/the-symbolism-of-a-diamond/